Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Zero Day

Today is the day! Your last chance for a fuzzkill! Tomorrow, there's no turning back! Let's make the month of No Shave November one to remember - for ourselves, and for those who benefit from our work and sacrifices.

Josh, day 0.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

HOPE and Hairy Faces

Calling all fellas,  fathers,  and fuzzy females!  The time is coming for No Shave November! Doing nothing never accomplished this much!

During the month of November,  men around the world commit themselves to avoid the razor for the whole month through events such as this. Don't get the wrong idea -  it is not for the glorification of laziness - it is done to raise awareness of the needs of others. Some organizations,  such as the Movember movement,  have chosen a set of charities to which donations will be made, all inspired by men with new and fancy mustaches.

No Shave November carries with it the same attitude. We want to do more by doing nothing (to our beards).

A few of us in Lawrence, Kansas will participate by shelving our razors for the month of November. On Halloween,  we will each do a clean shave, and share progress often on this blog,  with pictures and inspirational images.

But that's hardly the end of it.  We want to help people through this effortless crusade. So,  we have aligned ourselves with the International Day of Giving, championed by HOPE Worldwide - Helping Other People Everywhere. 

If you are beard-inhibited or choose not to join, consider supporting by donating to HOPE through a team member's page from the list:

Join us in supporting the needs of others around the world through HOPE and hairy faces.